Mobile Subscriptions Must Be Flexible and Transparent!

In principle, the Swiss are satisfied with their cell phone subscriptions. However, there are a few points that annoy many. In particular, campaigns and promotions as well as the cancellation periods are a source of displeasure. Modern mobile subscriptions should actually shine in these areas; after all, the technical possibilities also allow very flexible offers.

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Digital Republic senkt den Preis für Voice

Digital Republic Lowers the Price for Voice!

Last year, we ran a smaller Black Friday promotion for our existing customers and did not run any other promotions. This year, we’re going one step further and saying goodbye to Black Friday deals altogether. Instead, we are permanently reducing the price of our voice option by Black Friday – for everyone!

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Der Digital Republic Service dargestellt in Kundenrezensionen

This Is the Digital Republic Service

When it comes to mobile providers in Switzerland, the wheat is often separated from the chaff when it comes to price. Either you pay little for your subscription and do without services like support or 5G, or you go to one of the big providers and pay more than you might like. At Digital Republic, you get both!

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Welche Internetgeschwindigkeit benötige ich für meine IP Kamera

What Internet Speed Do I Need for My IP Camera?

Keeping an eye on everything can sometimes be quite difficult. Maybe it’s the vacation home in the Alps, the garage of your own company or the scout house. IP cameras can be an uncomplicated solution for little money to keep an eye on things remotely. Thanks to 5G, this is also possible completely independently of a local Wi-Fi network. The only question that remains is the required bandwidth.

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Apple erweitert mit iOS 17 die Dual SIM Features

Apple Expands Dual-SIM Features

Android users have been familiar with the functions for quite some time. Now, Apple has caught up with iOS 17 and allows iPhone users to fully utilize their dual-SIM or dual-eSIM configuration for the first time. The new messaging features and the phone app should be particularly popular.

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Mit der Smartwatch gegen Doom Scrolling

With the Smartwatch Against Doom Scrolling

Many of us know it: It’s not good for our mental health and general well-being if we spend hours of our day blindly scrolling through feeds. There are many possible solutions, and quite a few of us have even dispensed with our smartphones altogether. Are there less radical alternatives? Interestingly, smartwatches of all things seem to offer a simple way out. Provided they have an independent cellular connection.

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Mobile Subscriptions Must Be Flexible and Transparent!

In principle, the Swiss are satisfied with their cell phone subscriptions. However, there are a few points that annoy many. In particular, campaigns and promotions as well as the cancellation periods are a source of displeasure. Modern mobile subscriptions should actually shine in these areas; after all, the technical possibilities also allow very flexible offers.

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Digital Republic senkt den Preis für Voice

Digital Republic Lowers the Price for Voice!

Last year, we ran a smaller Black Friday promotion for our existing customers and did not run any other promotions. This year, we’re going one step further and saying goodbye to Black Friday deals altogether. Instead, we are permanently reducing the price of our voice option by Black Friday – for everyone!

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Der Digital Republic Service dargestellt in Kundenrezensionen

This Is the Digital Republic Service

When it comes to mobile providers in Switzerland, the wheat is often separated from the chaff when it comes to price. Either you pay little for your subscription and do without services like support or 5G, or you go to one of the big providers and pay more than you might like. At Digital Republic, you get both!

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Welche Internetgeschwindigkeit benötige ich für meine IP Kamera

What Internet Speed Do I Need for My IP Camera?

Keeping an eye on everything can sometimes be quite difficult. Maybe it’s the vacation home in the Alps, the garage of your own company or the scout house. IP cameras can be an uncomplicated solution for little money to keep an eye on things remotely. Thanks to 5G, this is also possible completely independently of a local Wi-Fi network. The only question that remains is the required bandwidth.

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Apple erweitert mit iOS 17 die Dual SIM Features

Apple Expands Dual-SIM Features

Android users have been familiar with the functions for quite some time. Now, Apple has caught up with iOS 17 and allows iPhone users to fully utilize their dual-SIM or dual-eSIM configuration for the first time. The new messaging features and the phone app should be particularly popular.

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Mit der Smartwatch gegen Doom Scrolling

With the Smartwatch Against Doom Scrolling

Many of us know it: It’s not good for our mental health and general well-being if we spend hours of our day blindly scrolling through feeds. There are many possible solutions, and quite a few of us have even dispensed with our smartphones altogether. Are there less radical alternatives? Interestingly, smartwatches of all things seem to offer a simple way out. Provided they have an independent cellular connection.

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