Mobile internet for everyone and everything

5G Home Internet – How to Set It up Successfully

Mobile internet is great, even for your home! With 5G, you can connect your devices in the right location possibly even faster and cheaper than via a copper cable. The feedback from our customers and the popularity of our router bundles confirm this year after year. However, despite the simplicity of 5G routers, we also receive feedback from time to time that the Internet speed achieved is not sufficient or the router has no reception. Reason enough to give you three important tips to ensure that your 5G Home Internet setup is successful and does not become a source of frustration.

Tip 1: Test the Network at Your Location

Mobile internet via 5G is exactly what it sounds like: mobile communications. This means that the internet speed available at your location depends on the same factors as the connection of your smartphone or tablet. The most important factors here are:

  • Your location relative to the nearest cellular antenna
  • The structure of your apartment or house
  • The number of people sharing the antenna cell with you

The connection speed achieved can vary greatly due to these factors (from gigabit speeds in ideal locations to a few Mbits in poorer locations). This is also the reason why mobile Internet providers such as Digital Republic talk about “maximum speed” in their tariffs. It is virtually impossible to guarantee a specific speed due to the factors influencing the wireless connection.

Fortunately, the comparatively very good coverage of the Swiss mobile network operators allows sufficient speed for everyday applications in most locations.

But to be on the safe side and know what is possible at your location before you buy a router or tariff, we recommend that you test the connection beforehand. At Digital Republic, this is very easy and free of charge:

Order a trial SIM

Bestellt euch als Neukundin oder Neukunde eine gratis Test-SIM-Karte des schnellsten Startertarifs (Flat 300).


Activate SIM

Aktiviert die SIM-Karte im Kundenportal und legt sie in euer Smartphone ein.


Test the speed

Öffnet am gewünschten Standort eine Speed-Test Website wie


This allows you to test which speeds you can achieve and where within your home and then decide whether these are sufficient for your purposes. This will also help you identify the ideal location for your 5G router. If you are satisfied, you can order the complete solution for your setup with a router bundle, or get the router and SIM card separately.

Tip 2: Buy the Right Router

Admittedly, 5G routers are not exactly cheap. But before you decide on a cheaper LTE hotspot, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of the different standards.

The 4G standard is currently the most widely used mobile communications standard in Switzerland. In contrast to the newer 5G, LTE offers a greater range due to the wavelength used, but can cover fewer devices per radio cell and has a lower speed. 4G may therefore offer you better reception, but you share the radio cell with more users and the maximum speed is lower than with 5G.

The latest 5G mobile communications standard is faster and more efficient than its predecessor and, in good conditions, a strong competitor to DSL and fiber optics. However, due to the frequencies used, the 5G signal is also somewhat weaker and therefore offers a shorter range. If you have good 5G reception at your location, this standard is always preferable.

In most cases, you will be better off with a 5G router than a 4G/LTE router, but there are also differences between the devices. If you only want to use the router stationary at home, a stationary device is a good choice. These routers do not have a built-in battery, but usually have more and larger antennas, which improves reception indoors. We have written test articles on various devices so that you can get an idea:

If you want to take your router with you on vacation or to university, for example, then you should opt for a mobile model with an integrated battery. These devices are versatile and ultra-portable. Ideal for digital nomads and anyone who wants to become one. We have also tested such devices for you:

Tip 3: Use a Data SIM Card and Not a Cell Phone Subscription

With the numerous cheap cell phone subscriptions on the market, it is tempting to simply choose the cheapest flat rate subscription and then insert the SIM card into the stationary router. However, this could mean that your new Internet connection is suddenly throttled or cut off by the provider. Most cell phone subscriptions include a so-called fair use policy that prohibits you from using the SIM card as a stationary data connection in a router.

The providers recognize such usage through device data or simply the usage profile of your SIM (high data consumption over a long period of time in the same antenna cell).

It is therefore worth buying the SIM card for your router from a provider that allows it to be used in a router. Digital Republic is one such provider and if you test the connection with one of our free SIMs, you will already know which tariff is suitable for your location.

In addition, Digital Republic offers you super routers at discounted rates as a bundle, making the decision for a 5G router a little easier. Should you ever encounter any problems, our award-winning support team will be happy to help you so that your connectivity remains as simple and stress-free as it should be in 2024.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

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