Monthly packages

Digital Republic’s monthly packages give you the ultimate flexibility. Connect your devices to the Internet and adjust your subscription every 30 days as you like. Depending on the application, Flat 0.4, Flat 10 or Flat 300 is suitable for you.

Flat 0.4 SIM Card

SIM Card

Flat 0.4 | 30 Days

Trackers + Sensors

CHF 4.–
Flat 1 SIM Karte

SIM card

Flat 1 | 30 Days

Trackers + Sensors

CHF 6.–
Flat 10 SIM Card

SIM Card

Flat 10 | 30 Days

Smartphones + Tablets

CHF 10.–
Flat 50 SIM Card

SIM Card

Flat 50 | 30 Days


CHF 20.–
Flat 300 SIM Card

SIM Card

Flat 300 | 30 Days

Home + Office

CHF 30.–
Flat 2000 SIM Card

SIM Card

Flat 2000 | 30 Days

Home + Office

CHF 40.–

Yearly Packages

An annual package is suitable for you if you want to have as little administrative effort as possible. You pay once for the flat of your choice and are covered for a whole year. You save on monthly bills and get one month for free.

Flat 0.4 SIM Card

SIM card

Flat 0.4 | 365 Days

Trackers + Sensors

CHF 44.– CHF 48.–
Flat 1 SIM Karte

SIM card

Flat 1 | 365 days

Trackers + Sensors

CHF 66.– CHF 72.–
Flat 10 SIM Card

SIM card

Flat 10 | 365 Days

Smartphones + Tablets

CHF 110.– CHF 120.–
CHF 220.– CHF 240.–
Flat 300 SIM Card

SIM card

Flat 300 | 365 Days

Home + Office

CHF 330.– CHF 360.–
Flat 2000 SIM Card

SIM card

Flat 2000 | 365 Days

Home + Office

CHF 440.– CHF 480.–

Handy Abos

Du brauchst ein einfaches und günstiges Handy Abo? Kein Problem! Mit unseren Angeboten inkl. Voice Option hast du unlimitiert 5G Internet, Telefonie und SMS in der ganzen Schweiz und das schon ab 18 Franken pro Monat.

Flat Mobile Swiss Monatspaket

SIM card

Flat Mobile Swiss


CHF 13.–
Flat Mobile Monatspaket

SIM card

Flat Mobile


CHF 18.–
Flat Mobile Jahrespaket

SIM card

Flat Mobile | 365 Days


CHF 198.– CHF 216.–
CHF 143.– CHF 156.–

Router Bundles

Whether at home or on the move, with an LTE or 5G router and a Digital Republic SIM card, you are reliably connected to the mobile Internet.


Router + SIM card

Flat 300 | 365 Days

incl. FRITZ!Box 6850 5G Router

CHF 610.– CHF 829.–

Router + SIM card

Flat 300 | 365 Days

incl. Acer Connect Enduro M3 5G Hotspot

CHF 429.– CHF 659.–
5G Mobile Router MR6150 Netgear M6 with Flat 300 annual subscription

Router + SIM card

Flat 300 | 365 Days

incl. 5G Hotspot Netgear MR6150 Nighthawk M6

CHF 900.– CHF 1209.–
Netgear Nighthawk M3 5G Hotspot mit SIM-Karte von Digital Republic

Router + SIM card

Flat 300 | 365 Days

incl. 5G Hotspot MH3150 Nighthawk M3

CHF 580.– CHF 780.–