Monthly packages
Digital Republic’s monthly packages give you the ultimate flexibility. Connect your devices to the Internet and adjust your subscription every 30 days as you like. Depending on the application, Flat 0.4, Flat 10 or Flat 300 is suitable for you.
Yearly Packages
An annual package is suitable for you if you want to have as little administrative effort as possible. You pay once for the flat of your choice and are covered for a whole year. You save on monthly bills and get one month for free.
Handy Abos
Du brauchst ein einfaches und günstiges Handy Abo? Kein Problem! Mit unseren Angeboten inkl. Voice Option hast du unlimitiert 5G Internet, Telefonie und SMS in der ganzen Schweiz und das schon ab 18 Franken pro Monat.
Router Bundles
Whether at home or on the move, with an LTE or 5G router and a Digital Republic SIM card, you are reliably connected to the mobile Internet.