Mobile internet for everyone and everything

Straight Onto the Podium in the Bilanz Telekom Rating

And Twice at That

Digital Republic appears for the first time in the largest Swiss telecom rating and immediately takes second place in the residential customer ranking. Digital Republic even receives the best rating in the quality and price categories. In addition, Digital Republic also conquers the podium among Swiss Internet providers with third place. This confirms that mobile Internet – also thanks to 5G – is an exciting alternative to broadband Internet with fiber optics at home or in the office.

Free, Fair and Progressive to the Silver Medal

The Swiss business magazine Bilanz has conducted its nationwide telecom rating for the 23rd time. The focus is on the criteria of quality, innovation, price, flexibility and support. Digital Republic made it into the rating this year, taking second place for cellular and third place for residential Internet right off the bat.

Our two co-founders Ali Soyand Marco Arnold started Digital Republic around four years ago with the noble goal of offering free, fair and progressive cellular services in Switzerland. In doing so, they have pushed the industry ahead of them and have now been awarded the silver medal in the mobile telephony category by private customers. Digital Republic also scores very well in the innovation, flexibility and support categories.

The seal of approval for second place in the Bilanz Mobilfunk rating

«Second place in Switzerland’s biggest telecoms rating at the first attempt! This is a great honour for us. The top ratings for quality and price confirm that it is possible to offer a high-quality mobile service at fair conditions.»

Ali Soy, Co-Founder of Digital Republic

Third place among Internet providers: Cellular also works at home!

Digital Republic also wins another prize in the Bilanz Telekom rating. This is in the Internet for private customers category. The special thing about it, as Bilanz writes: Digital Republic relies entirely on cellular, and its broadband service is also provided via the cellular network. This is the first time that a purely cellular provider has made it into the ranking of Internet providers and immediately landed on the podium. The new 5G standard will increasingly strengthen this trend.

The seal of approval for third place from the Bilanz Internet Provider Rating

«We have been seeing strong growth in cellular for the home and office for some time now. The fact that we have now rank third among all Internet providers with our cellular-only offering shows that this trend is taking root.»

Marco Arnold, Co-Founder of Digital Republic

Mobile Internet connections are used for a whole spectrum of applications. From sensors in the garden, to tablets in the field, to high-speed Internet at home as an alternative to fiber optics. Since use at home and in the office is no different from cellular, everything works exactly the same: order SIM card, insert in sensor or router, increase or throttle speed independently, and pause and reactivate independently at any time. No activation fees, minimum contract periods or hidden costs. Accordingly, Digital Republic also receives the top rating in the price and flexibility categories.

You can find the partial results in the following table:

Tel results of the Bilanz Telekom Rating 2022 as a table

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