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livealytics makes movement measurable

livealytics offers organizations an online tool for the comprehensive analysis of locations or live-marketing activities. In addition to the collection of classic key figures, comparisons and benchmarks can also be displayed.

Who uses livealytics?

The most important customer segments of livealytics are retailers, trade fair organizers and exhibitors as well as promotion agencies. The livealytics system can also be used for visitor traffic lights in stores, public buildings, etc.

Using various sensor technologies, the visitor/customer behavior is automatically recorded, anonymized and transmitted to the livealytics cloud for evaluation in real time. More than 100 sensors in Switzerland are equipped with Digital Republic IoT SIM cards, delivering over 5 million data points daily in a reliable and constant data flow.

But what does this mean and why are such solutions offered?

Visitor counting systems are systems that detect people within an area and analyze their movement or behavior. There are several reasons for the recording of peoples moving behaviour. In retail and retail trade, these systems are used for area and marketing analyses. Heat- and flowmaps show how customers move around in premises and thus provide a basis for strategic assortment and area design. Products can also be better positioned within a location in terms of season or sales promotions. The influence of individual measures can be shown and tested by A/B comparisons. With this valuable information, improvements can be achieved for a positive customer experience and thus an optimization of sales.

In the development of our services, we place customer benefit in the foreground. Our clients therefore have hardly any contact with the technology, but receive information that is summarized in a clear dashboard.

Simon Tuck, CTO at livealytics

Although target audiences and business areas are different, there are similarities in the standard key figures. In addition to classic numbers for visitor frequency, clients also receive information on visibility, length of stay and interactions. The necessary sensors are made available by livealytics for the desired period of time, either as a fixed installation or plug & play solution – from a one-day promotion at a railroad station to a long-term installation in an exhibition hall.

Schematic of a people flow analysis from livealytics
livealytics people flow analysis

The soft- and hardware can be used wherever people move around: from retail outlets and trade fairs to smart buildings and smart cities. The range of applications is wide. The aim is to offer the client a simple and efficient solution that counts far more than just people.

Sensors are easily connected thanks to Digital Republic

livealytics currently uses over one hundred IoT SIM cards from Digital Republic. More than 5 million data records are transferred to the livealytics platform in real time every day. Several factors play a decisive role in the choice for connectivity: A low fixed price, high reliability and additional features such as the ability to manage a large number of SIM cards. With the flexible pricing models and the customer portal of Digital Republic, livealytics has found the right partner. Thanks to this solution, livealytics has the freedom to manage all SIM cards itself and assign them to the respective customers and devices. Thanks to the flexible runtimes, unused SIM cards can be deactivated to avoid unnecessary costs or the transmission speed can be temporarily increased for data-intensive analyses such as heat maps. This simple and flexible handling allows transparent offers to be made to end customers. All these factors have convinced livealytics to enter into a partnership with Digital Republic.  

livealytics is in operation for several partners with the connectivity of Digital Republic.

During the corona pandemic, livealytics’ solution takes on another very important function. The livealytics platform offers an ad-hoc traffic light URL that can be displayed on any internet-enabled display, thus providing secure capacity monitoring of sales areas, exhibition halls, public facilities, etc. The tool alerts operators in real time before and when capacity is exceeded. livealytics provides information on how many people are within a given area. Face masks or the distance between people can also be recorded automatically. This ensures customer safety on the one hand, and on the other hand the available space is used efficiently and at full capacity.

Traffic light system with livealytics Cloud Counter
Traffic light system with livealytics Cloud Counter

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