0 *H 01 0 +0 *H $4 ConsentText default APN Configuration - more information on: support.digitalrepublic.ch PayloadContent APNs AllowedProtocolMask 1 AllowedProtocolMaskInRoaming 1 DefaultProtocolMask 1 Name dr.m2m.ch PayloadDescription Configures cellular data settings PayloadDisplayName Cellular PayloadIdentifier com.apple.cellular.9B305A2C-2672-4856-8B0F-7CA3B0DE08BF PayloadType com.apple.cellular PayloadUUID 9B305A2C-2672-4856-8B0F-7CA3B0DE08BF PayloadVersion 1 PayloadDescription With this configuration profile your current APN will be changed to dr.m2m.ch. After this setting you will be able to establish a data connection with your new SIM card. PayloadDisplayName apn dr.m2m.ch PayloadIdentifier MBP13.CA8BDE29-9FF8-4C05-AE37-2DD4AFFACB3A PayloadOrganization Digital Republic PayloadRemovalDisallowed PayloadType Configuration PayloadUUID 5388B255-325A-4F85-BD27-0807C959402D PayloadVersion 1 0"0 ޼9m0  *H 0b1 0 UUS10U  Apple Inc.1&0$U Apple Certification Authority10U Apple Root CA0 130207214847Z 230207214847Z01 0 UUS10U Apple Inc.1,0*U #Apple Worldwide Developer Relations1D0BU ;Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority0"0  *H 0 8TV$9H_&4Sz|cawd^#9P-VXp-~nJ>/ބWɯ{jI*2chR=k}g7j gQd\ѼWng5v6n8+N{%ZNғq`3NUX  wEPH+-䔅ĝhg~pYKwB9L;H!]jj5`F)Ëyjaghb_nϙce00U' `GYRT0U00U#0+iGv k.@GM^0.U'0%0#!http://crl.apple.com/root.crl0U0 *Hcd0  *H OY,l/25n}i w,gm:Y\߃*arE0 G񓊣tØr;>E T2Sk NPl! NWk[<= # J&?LmWzX{h䆌JIUK0ᠱ) w4 ;bcA;L۫ɕOM&)zf.!xၮӐ8g0Q\ql 006̼̄r~0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Apple Inc.1,0*U #Apple Worldwide Developer Relations1D0BU ;Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority0 181005162111Z 191005162111Z010 &,d B798D34H4Y1@0>U 7iPhone Distribution: Digital Republic GmbH (B798D34H4Y)10U B798D34H4Y10U Digital Republic GmbH1 0 UUS0"0  *H 0 #Ca:Cd^,!0eo&"#meIJ3<8^uizz|[AMb+++T˻+MZ~:.)4`C+BXf_~Sj2vx,ԛ29ZmgoE3|,ɹ=bC#-o1 9ȉ&gP XCi,(vTQퟡ"/Lp,ƭ4嗿]